Biyernes, Agosto 17, 2012

Start Again

After failing from one skin care to another, there is nothing left to do but to start again... to try again... 

I met a couple of friends when I attended John Calub's Attracting Wealth, and I believe there is no accident in life. I met this girl who happens to have a dermclinic as their family business. And it daunt to me that this is the answer to my questions.. It should be! 

I met with her family two months after the seminar, and as expected I've talked about their product and bought a set to try at home. its like usual skin care remedy with cleanser, toner, sunblock, night cream. i just used this for a week and the changes was outstanding. 
You habe to try it for yourself. 

My brothers and sisters now use these kit and their skin was never been this better. 

The main advice I can give you right now is to try again, start again, find the solution to your problems.. because that's the only way, and sometimes it came with the unexpected package. 

For product demo/orders: please leave a comment.


Invest! Invest! Invest!

There are two kinds of people in terms of financial savings: 

1. Those who saves a lot of money but don't know where to invest it. 

2. And those who cannot save at all. At the end of the day they are broke again and again.

If you are one of these two, then you need a dramatic change in your financial situation. 

Let me ask you a question. What is your plan 5 years from now? 10 years from now? or 20 years from now? 

Do you see yourself working in the same company you are working now? or are you trying your luck abroad? or are you married, have kids? 

Then, if you see yourself in one of that way then you really have to start investing now. There's no better time and day. IT IS NOW! 

Invest. Invest. Invest. 

Invest in Business.
Invest in Stock Market.
Invest in Equity Bond.
Invest in Mutual Fund. 
Invest in Forex. 
Invest in Insurance with Investment**

Invest, wherein your money earn higher interest, higher than inflation rate each year. 

**One of the countries best Insurance company and is the Top Insurance for the year 2012 is SUNLIFE of Canada (Phils.) Inc., which is I'm one of the financial advisor, and I am here to educate my fellow Filipinos to be Financially Free. 

To prepare them for the future, to prepare them for reality that someday they will have family of their own, and their children will leave them and have a family of their own as well, and at your old age, you will be thanking me if you invested, or maybe wishing you could turn back times and invest earlier. 

"Pay yourself first" system. 

Invest in yourself first. 
Invest for your Retirement.
Invest for your Hospitalisation. 
Invest for your Luxury. 
Invest for your Annual Travel. 
Invest for your Tours.