Martes, Enero 17, 2012


I believe in the "Law of Attraction", whatever our thoughts are at this moment, those are the things that we attract the most. 

So, I try every waking moment of my life not to think of any negative thoughts, I always believe that there is hope. This too shall pass.   

Being optimistic and all can really change the way I look inside, and it helps me to cope up with life ~ depression to be exact. Although sometimes I need to remind myself, haha! 

Also, Visualisation is the key ingredients to attract positive energy, and in terms of beauty and skin glamour, my dream is to have their skin, i repeat their Skin, not their Face! haha! totally different. My Dream Skin is Korean Skin! 

Of course, they are actresses and they use make up all the time and rumour spread that some had plastic surgeries, haha, tsismis!

But then again, I am an avid fan of Koreanavolas and their skin up close are just flawless.  

I would recommend their product, their famous invention of "BB cream" but for me it became oily after some hours after application, maybe because of our tropical weather. 

I claim that my skin will transform, in a flawless beautiful, acne-free skin. Hopefully soon! 

I pray that yours too! 

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