Biyernes, Agosto 17, 2012

Start Again

After failing from one skin care to another, there is nothing left to do but to start again... to try again... 

I met a couple of friends when I attended John Calub's Attracting Wealth, and I believe there is no accident in life. I met this girl who happens to have a dermclinic as their family business. And it daunt to me that this is the answer to my questions.. It should be! 

I met with her family two months after the seminar, and as expected I've talked about their product and bought a set to try at home. its like usual skin care remedy with cleanser, toner, sunblock, night cream. i just used this for a week and the changes was outstanding. 
You habe to try it for yourself. 

My brothers and sisters now use these kit and their skin was never been this better. 

The main advice I can give you right now is to try again, start again, find the solution to your problems.. because that's the only way, and sometimes it came with the unexpected package. 

For product demo/orders: please leave a comment.


Invest! Invest! Invest!

There are two kinds of people in terms of financial savings: 

1. Those who saves a lot of money but don't know where to invest it. 

2. And those who cannot save at all. At the end of the day they are broke again and again.

If you are one of these two, then you need a dramatic change in your financial situation. 

Let me ask you a question. What is your plan 5 years from now? 10 years from now? or 20 years from now? 

Do you see yourself working in the same company you are working now? or are you trying your luck abroad? or are you married, have kids? 

Then, if you see yourself in one of that way then you really have to start investing now. There's no better time and day. IT IS NOW! 

Invest. Invest. Invest. 

Invest in Business.
Invest in Stock Market.
Invest in Equity Bond.
Invest in Mutual Fund. 
Invest in Forex. 
Invest in Insurance with Investment**

Invest, wherein your money earn higher interest, higher than inflation rate each year. 

**One of the countries best Insurance company and is the Top Insurance for the year 2012 is SUNLIFE of Canada (Phils.) Inc., which is I'm one of the financial advisor, and I am here to educate my fellow Filipinos to be Financially Free. 

To prepare them for the future, to prepare them for reality that someday they will have family of their own, and their children will leave them and have a family of their own as well, and at your old age, you will be thanking me if you invested, or maybe wishing you could turn back times and invest earlier. 

"Pay yourself first" system. 

Invest in yourself first. 
Invest for your Retirement.
Invest for your Hospitalisation. 
Invest for your Luxury. 
Invest for your Annual Travel. 
Invest for your Tours. 

Biyernes, Enero 20, 2012

Free as a Bird!

What's the one thing you can sacrifice or give up for others voluntarily? 

Today, I decided to donate my long locks. The 13 inches long locks that I've been taking care of for almost two years. The everyday shampoo and conditioner routine. The locks I think the most beautiful part of me. The locks that makes me a woman. The locks that sways in the wind. The locks that I grew so people will notice me, will like me. ~_~ 

This hair represent me holding things back, not taking a risk, always thinking about what will others say, always pleases other people to like me... and today, I decided to Let Go... Make the Cut.. and Live just the way I am. Free as a bird! 

You can donate your long locks here:

When Summer falls

I fell in love. 
Actually I fell in love before my acne strikes, and could you imagine what happened when pimple starts popping. My life turns upside down. I felt that something has taken away from me.  
And I tried many times to break up with him, for dumbest reason that I feel insecure and ugly, not worthy to be his girlfriend. I can't even look at him, I can't even look at myself in the mirror. 
Thankfully, he never left me. Awwww. He's my best friend. 
But still insecurities and jealousy eaten me up. And its eating me whole. Until one day, I watch an inspirational TV program 700 Club Asia at GMA NewsTV from 11pm - 12pm. I followed the prayer and before I knew it I started crying. I know something is taking back what was lost, and its Jesus. It turns my world upside down again, and this time, My world has never been the same again. 

I felt peace. I felt God's embrace. I felt loved. Its the best thing that happen to me. 
I feel the need to thank my acne experience, this was the way for me to find freedom and peace of mind. And truly, "Give thanks in all circumstances, For this is the God's will in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Everything happens for a reason, my friend.
Feel God's embrace today! 


Eat. Pray. Love. (My Version)

I love to travel, well, who doesn't? 

Travelling makes me believe that I'm an explorer discovering new things. Like Amelia Earhart. And my wildest dream is to travel alone by myself. Like Liz Gilbert in Eat.Pray.Love. So I put them together and book myself in three destination this year! voila! Adventure awaits to discover new places and friends! 

I read and watch the movie, and its safe to say that the book is way better. I encourage everyone to read it. Here, I learn to meditate. "Praying is talking to God, but Meditation is listening to God" (an excerpt from the book).

This year, I have 3 destinations, locally, of course. I love the Philippines. :) 
April, I'll be snorkelling in the sea of Palawan, Coron. 
August, You'll see me strolling around Cebu
And November, summer is not over, Unwinding in the bay of Panglao Beach, Bohol.

It's really more fun in the Philippines!!! 

Like in the movie, this travel's main purpose is... 

To find one self. 
To search for the answer to my questions. 
To find purpose of living. 
To renew mind and soul. 
To find new friends along the way. 
To love. 

My friend. Book your adventure now! :) 


Miyerkules, Enero 18, 2012

Road to Acceptance: FORGIVENESS

"Forgiveness is not something we do for other people, We do it for ourselves - To GET WELL and MOVE  ON" 

 True enough, the first aid to our aching heart and aching acne is Forgiveness. I was moved while typing the quote above, and how it was real in my life.

I hold grudges to people even my close family and friends, even our church Pastor, who have been a little harsh during my acne days. It still rings to my ear like "Anu nangyari sa mukha mo?" (What happened to your face?), "Ang dami!!!?" (So many pimples), "Maganda sana kaso me pimples" (She's beautiful but she has pimples), "Anung nilagay mo sa mukha mo" (What did you put on your face?). And I still cry even the pimples have gone away and leaves traces of acne scars. It still hurts... inside. 

All that I ever needed that time was just a hug. I wish they could have show some sympathy and care. And say instead "God love you, He doesn't look on outward appearance, He weighs the Heart". And during those times, I found a friend in God, who wipes away my tears every night, and tap me in the back saying "Everything is going to be fine, my child" 

That is why this Blog was born, to show sympathy, love, and care to those who are experiencing depression and developing insecurities and low self-esteem due to Acne. 

You are not alone, my friend. 

Today, I decided to Forgive. I can forgive because God has forgiven me. 



Martes, Enero 17, 2012


I believe in the "Law of Attraction", whatever our thoughts are at this moment, those are the things that we attract the most. 

So, I try every waking moment of my life not to think of any negative thoughts, I always believe that there is hope. This too shall pass.   

Being optimistic and all can really change the way I look inside, and it helps me to cope up with life ~ depression to be exact. Although sometimes I need to remind myself, haha! 

Also, Visualisation is the key ingredients to attract positive energy, and in terms of beauty and skin glamour, my dream is to have their skin, i repeat their Skin, not their Face! haha! totally different. My Dream Skin is Korean Skin! 

Of course, they are actresses and they use make up all the time and rumour spread that some had plastic surgeries, haha, tsismis!

But then again, I am an avid fan of Koreanavolas and their skin up close are just flawless.  

I would recommend their product, their famous invention of "BB cream" but for me it became oily after some hours after application, maybe because of our tropical weather. 

I claim that my skin will transform, in a flawless beautiful, acne-free skin. Hopefully soon! 

I pray that yours too!