Miyerkules, Enero 18, 2012

Road to Acceptance: FORGIVENESS

"Forgiveness is not something we do for other people, We do it for ourselves - To GET WELL and MOVE  ON" 

 True enough, the first aid to our aching heart and aching acne is Forgiveness. I was moved while typing the quote above, and how it was real in my life.

I hold grudges to people even my close family and friends, even our church Pastor, who have been a little harsh during my acne days. It still rings to my ear like "Anu nangyari sa mukha mo?" (What happened to your face?), "Ang dami!!!?" (So many pimples), "Maganda sana kaso me pimples" (She's beautiful but she has pimples), "Anung nilagay mo sa mukha mo" (What did you put on your face?). And I still cry even the pimples have gone away and leaves traces of acne scars. It still hurts... inside. 

All that I ever needed that time was just a hug. I wish they could have show some sympathy and care. And say instead "God love you, He doesn't look on outward appearance, He weighs the Heart". And during those times, I found a friend in God, who wipes away my tears every night, and tap me in the back saying "Everything is going to be fine, my child" 

That is why this Blog was born, to show sympathy, love, and care to those who are experiencing depression and developing insecurities and low self-esteem due to Acne. 

You are not alone, my friend. 

Today, I decided to Forgive. I can forgive because God has forgiven me. 



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